Cookie Advantage was founded with the idea that customer loyalty is built when you take time to show your appreciation for their business by sending a thank you gift box to the client. Founders Kim and Duane are skilled salespeople, but also highly customer focused, and have always given personalized marketing gifts to their valued customers. These qualities have paid dividends in both return business and referral business.

We deal directly in volume delivery of promotional packages with cookie boxes that are both designed to be a customer gratuity and an incentive to return surveys, provide positive online reviews, and more.

Customer loyalty is built when you take time to show your appreciation for their business.

Our clients are not the recipients of the packages, but the salespeople and business owners who are purchasing them for their own customers.

We offer several variations that can be used for personalized marketing gift, such as the type of tumbler or mug that will be included, the type of cookie, inclusions in the package (i.e. specific calls to action), and more. The cookie boxes are specific to our client’s branding and look as if they have come from the client, with the Cookie Advantage branding being discrete on the package.



The cookies themselves are made locally, never shipped from far away, and are made using proven recipes that are always well received.

Our cookie boxes make a significant impact on the customer because they engage multiple senses – the customer can feel the package, taste and smell the cookies, and have the sensation that they are appreciated and welcomed as a customer. When it comes time to make a repeat purchase or refer the business to a friend or family member, that memory comes back and they are more likely to do business with our client again.



Let’s look at a typical Cookie Advantage client:

  • + We will contract with the business to provide a gift package to every customer who purchases their sales staff.
  • + In the setup phase we obtain the company logo and other information and customize every element of the gift package with that branding. The franchise owner can utilize our in-house designers for this customization, or they can do it themselves with the tools that we provide.
  • + The local Franchise owner or their staff will prepare packages, tumblers, mugs, etc., in-advance and in-house, so they are ready to fulfill orders for packages as they are received.
  • + As a sale is made, the salesperson will log into our centralized Cookie Advantage website and place an order for a gift package.
  • + Each day, the Franchise owner will log into their own page of the website to pull any orders that have been received from their own customers. There is no need for the Franchisee to create an order receipt or payment and processing system, that’s all been built and made available to them. They just have to be ready to fulfill orders quickly
  • + That morning, the cookies or brownies are baked in a Health-department approved location with our approved equipment that allows for fast production
  • + The fully customized and branded gift packages are then prepared and shipped with the mailing labels that are produced by our fulfillment system. A quick preparation and shipment turnaround are critical to allow our client to get ahead of any customer issues that have developed in advance of them leaving an online review or returning the all-important client survey.

The franchise owner will receive all the processes, systems, support and tools that they need to accept, process and fulfill their orders. This allows them to focus their time on building their sales pipeline and provide service to their clients.